Monday, July 7, 2014

Takin a Break

Ed, Carl, and Mike are taking a summer break for July, dear VORons. Sorry to stop the flow of amazing, brilliant programming, but we'll be back on August 5th to rock your nerdy pants off.

As you may know the three of us have a lot going on, so July will a chance for us to take care of business, recharge our batteries, and prepare more, cool interviews, features, and topics for you guys to love all over your faces.

Meanwhile, we're always around on the Facebook group, and you know there's so much funny shit in our YouTube and audio podcast archives.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Batman 25th Anniversary

VOR looks back at the movie that changed the superhero genre forever - Tim Burton's Batman. Keaton! Nicholson! Basinger! And PRINCE!

Get out your Bat-jamas, mix up some Batgaritas, and paint on that oh-to-big smile, and dance with the devil and VOR this week!

Listen to the first episode here, or subscribe for FREE on iTunes!